
RadEye PRD Personal Radiation Detector

The advanced, pocket-size Thermo Scientific RadEye detects and localizes radiation sources as generated by man-made devices such as nuclear weapons, improvised nuclear devices (IND) or radiological dispersal devices (RDDs).
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RadEye PRD Personal Radiation Detector

RadEye PRD Personal Radiation Detector


The advanced, pocket-size Thermo Scientific RadEye detects and localizes radiation sources as generated by man-made devices such as nuclear weapons, improvised nuclear devices (IND) or radiological dispersal devices (RDDs).


RadEye PRD, Pocket–sized personal radiation detector: NaI(Tl)-det. with PMT, gamma detection from 30 keV; energy compensated dose rate calculation (60 keV – 1.3 MeV); measuring range 0.01 µSv/h – 250 µSv/h; 150 cps per µSv/h (Cs-137); 2000 cps per µSv/h for Am-241




Folheto Técnico RadEye PRD4

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