
Impulse 7000DP - Analisador de Desfibrilhadores/Pacemakers Transcutâneos

Impulse 7000DP Defibrillator/Transcutaneous Pacemaker Analyzer is a rugged, portable precision instrument that ensures proper operation and ultimate performance of critical life-support cardiac-resuscitation equipment.

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Impulse 7000DP -  Analisador de Desfibrilhadores/Pacemakers Transcutâneos

Impulse 7000DP - Analisador de Desfibrilhadores/Pacemakers Transcutâneos


Impulse 7000DP Defibrillator/Transcutaneous Pacemaker Analyzer is a rugged, portable precision instrument that ensures proper operation and ultimate performance of critical life-support cardiac-resuscitation equipment.

  • Lown, Edmark, trapezoidal, biphasic and pulsed-biphasic defibrillation technology compatibility.
  • AED technology compatibility.
  • First-class measurement accuracy ± 1 percent of reading + 0.1 J.
  • Portable, rugged, easy to carry.
  • Long-lasting, rechargeable battery.
  • Internal pacer brand selections.
  • 10 independent ECG outputs that provide 12 lead combinations for standardized clinical signals.
  • Flexible heart-rate settings (1 BPM step) facilitate rate meter accuracy and alarm testing.
  • DSP-based measurements enable future firmware and waveforms upgrade.
  • Unique integrated posts for secure connections.
  • Optional Ansur test automation software to standardize testing procedures, capture waveforms and test results, and print and document test results.



Folheto Técnico - Impulse 7000DP

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